Lean Not On My Own Understanding

Gen 2:22 – The creation of woman. She is created with a rib. H802 – Also, wife/female
2:23 – Adam declares that she is made of him, and names her. (Contin. Man shall leave his parents and become one with his wife. New unit made.) H802.
3:1-4 – Conversation with the serpent. Deceit throughout the conversation, designed to highlight a lack. A sense of unfairness. H802
3:6 – She saw that the fruit was good. And the sight made her desire it. Once she had sinned, she brought it to her husband. H802
3:12 – Adam blames Eve for the error. H802
3:13 – Eve blames the snake. H802
3:15 – War declared on Satan. Enmity between he and the woman, and “thy seed and her seed”. (Seed of the Woman h2233) H802 (First anticipation of the crucifixion and the second coming – God’s plan of redemption from the beginning.)
3:16 – Sorrow on the woman. In conception, birth and raising. Woman’s desire is for her husband (also man, male, humankind H376) and he is given dominion over her. Man is called to rule woman. H802
12:11 – Abram discussing the beauty of Sarai, his wife.
12:14 – Egyptians see Sarai, that she is fair.
12:15 – Pharoah’s princes (person of high rank) boasted (used as to shine; and to make a fool of; act madly) that she was beautiful and Sarai was brought into Pharoah’s household.
20:3 – God warns Abimalech that Sarai is Abraham’s wife and not his sister. He is worried about what might happen to him if he commits adultery with another man’s wife. H802
24:5 – The servant is sent to bring a wife for Issac. He is worried that this woman will not be willing to come and marry Issac. The servant asks if he needs to bring the son to the woman. I’ve heard it mentioned that Issac is being used as a prophetic picture of what will happen with Christ. (Crucifixion, resurrection, not mentioned until the marriage comes up, marriage to the church.) Interesting that Abraham’s response is to issue a warning about bring Issac to the bride, again. Lot’s of different thoughts. It is interesting. H802
24:8 – Restating of prior situation. The reiteration that Abraham did not want Issac taking the journey and going to that land. “bring not my son thither again.” H802
24:39 – This is the servant recounting the story to Rebecca’s family. H802
24:44 – Still recounting the story. The servant is talking about what he asked God for in regards to showing him the woman. H802
46:10 – Recounting of the children of Israel that went into Egypt. Definition of someone’s mother. H802